Peace Be Upon You All =D
Yaww...Glad the classes already started(<----WTH??GLAD?????WE WANT VACATIONS!AHA)..Actually it supposed to start on Sunday,but TESL2 awesomeness made it more AWESOME until there was no class on Sunday 8D Ahahahahhaa..Glad in TESL2 :3 No classes on Sundays except for Tutorial and Assembly =)
Ok2..Now to the next day...
Alhamdulillah we woke up early so that we can prepare anything that were necessary for the classes..Fuh,we were full of spirits back then when we walk towards our class's block...
We entered with full of styles(NERDS 8D) and sit...
And again,sit.......
With full of patience we wait for the lecturer to come in through the front door...
And lastly....
NO ONE ENTERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lllOTL aihhh...What a disappointment we were feeling back there...
After the class(??),we went to the cafe to eat some breakfast...Damn were hungry...
We manage to gather our lost spirits(enthusiasm?) and again..We walked with full of happiness and fullness 8D I mean the stomach at least...We dun have to hear it screaming =w=
So again,we waited for the lecturer for the next class to enter and give some things to be told or anything..
No one came in..
So for the LDS subject,my friend suggest to talk to Sir Zulkefli that if the lecturer din come in,can we went back to our rooms??
So this KK ish travelling across rocks(pathway),rivers(the drain) and had to push a big2 scary door(the language department door)!
Alhamdulillah,Sir Zulkefli were there so he showed me some of the new timetables..But i cant remember llllOTL But at least I jot down the names of the lecturers that were going to teach us after this =)
And he gave some good news!
We can go back to our rooms!!!!
We with full of happiness and headache,I ran my way back to my group(not actually running,but hey,wanna make it dramatic right =DD)
So I told them lah about the thing..Actually first I wanna to tell them to go to the library,but looks like no response and I AM KIDDING THAT TIME!RELAX IN THE ROOM IS MUCH MORE BETTER(except we don't read books in the room =w=;;;)
Ahahahahaha..Aihhh...I lose my mind just now for certain reasons...
Kinda stressed because of something...
And the earphone were with me the whole time =D
Aihh...I better learn how to control my anger...
So that's all for now =D
Peace Be Upon You All =DDD
p/s:Have a nice day and smile xDDD
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